Conan Shing

Conan Shing is a grade seven student and is part of the robotics team at Unionville Montessori School. As a child Conan was very interested in robotics, science and engineering. Thus he pursued the dream of becoming an inventor, and has participated in many science fairs. In addition Conan has been awarded top honors in school for scientific excellence. He started his pursuit into the scientific world at a very young age. The first science fair he participated in was in grade 4, and he was awarded a third place award.Excluding the school science fair awards he was nominated to represent his school at the York Region Science and Technology Fair, and was awarded a third place award. In Grade seven Conan helped lead the schools robotics team to a fourth place in the regional First Lego League robotics competition. He has recently started to peruse mechanical engineering. His inspiration is Grant Imahara, and hopes to be like him, and make innovative robots to help people with physical disabilities.

Other than science and mathematics Conan plays the violin; and during that time he has been awarded first class honors in a RCM (royal conservatory of music) examinations for violin. In addition to that he won first place in a violin completion. However that is only one of the fine arts he has participated in, he has written numerous short stories for a competition called Polar Expressions Publishing. He started writing in grade three and was awarded with the title of first place. After that he earned a spot in their books ever since. As with any healthy person Conan engages in multiple sports one of which is badminton. He started playing and training at a young age. From then to now he has been in high performance and junior teams.

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